Best US Short / Northpointe | certificate
Best International Short / Poor Tom | certificate
Best Documentary Short / The Shoes of Budapest | certificate
Drama Short / Dojo | certificate
Comedy Short / And If That Wasn’t Enough, Godard | certificate
LGBT Short / Mr. Nguyen’s Promise | certificate
Experimental Short / MYTH | certificate
Web series and Television Series / “Cause Celebre” Pilot | certificate
Horror/Sci-Fi Short / Your time has come | certificate
Student Short / Nostalgia | certificate
Best Micro Short / GHOST WRITER | certificate
Best First Time Short Fimmaker / When Worlds Collide | certificate
Best Short Director / Fault | certificate
Best Short Producer / FAMILY TRADITIONS | certificate
Best Short Actor / Discharge/Ken Schwarz | certificate
Best Short Actress / Petal Fall/Caitlin Duffy | certificate
Short Screenplay / Caregivers | certificate
Short Unproduced Screenplay / The Connecting Betrayal | certificate